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Advanced Energy Practitioner

Elaina Cochran

Group Services currently offered

Intuitive Energy Session

About Elaina's work

An Intuitive Energy Session consists of a blend of energy medicine, quantum healing, intuitive guidance and plant spirit medicine. Tapping into the wisdom and supportive energies of the natural and quantum world is a powerful opportunity for gaining insight and balance. Sessions are a uniquely personalized collaboration, as we work together to create an understanding of where you are, and where you’d like to be. I believe we are each healers in our own right and in a session, I am a conduit for connecting you back to your innate personal power and magic.

Each session varies according to what is surfacing at the time. It may be energy work, clearing and releasing blocks or energy cords, working with the elements to restore balance, past life healing, or guidance from ancestors, guides and plant allies. Continuing to integrate what we discuss during the session once it is complete is also a commitment to self; to being an active participant in the healing process. Once we release old stuck energy, negative conditioning and programs, we create space and freedom to dive more fully into our unique gifts, living a life rooted in joy and authenticity.

Elaina sees clients at The Sundry on Fridays and also hosts a group healing session the first Wednesday of each month.  Spots are limited, so be sure to register in advance.

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